Sunday, May 1, 2011

Orange madness

Every year The Netherlands turns orange for a day. That one day is queens day, the day all the Dutch celebrate queen Beatrix's birthday. This has been a tradition since 1885 all over The Netherlands. The biggest, most popular area for queens day is Amsterdam- Score! ;)

I went to town with my friends Jake and Cigdem, and had no idea what to expect as it was our first queens day ever! As we approached the city, we decided to leave our bikes by AMFI (our school) and walk the rest, since finding your bike back in the city center on queens day is a disaster we were told. We see all these stands set up with people selling anything from toys, clothing, books to 90's aerobics videos's. But we didn't want to shop (for once),
we wanted to dance and have fun!

We decided to just walk around town and see what's going on. The thing is, everything was going on. Everything that you could possibly think is wrong, was right this day. People dancing on top of big trucks, climbing the traffic lights, drag queens with stiletto heels flirting with the bar men, drunk mommies dragging their children across town, rope skipping for seniors- Anything you can think of, happened. There really were no limits! This really shows how free spirited the Dutch people are. Everybody was united and each others friends on queens day. It was an adventure to see and experience at the same time!

After scanning the town, we found a club where there was a dj playing some fantastic music outside. We decided to stick around and get our dance moves on. The crowd was crazy, everybody was singing and dancing along, it was beyond amazing!

The hours passed, the beer cans became empty, and soon enough it was the end of the national holiday! All 3 of us had a great time, and are definitely looking forward to next year's queen's day already!

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