Tuesday, May 24, 2011

" Roses are red, violets are blue, some poems rhyme and this one doesn't "

Regina and I have been stuck at the library for the day- We have a business exam on Thursday. So we are getting up early, and going to sleep late. Our brains are about to explode, which makes us act goofy and random at times... We have reached a point where you think everything is funny, just because you are so exhausted and sick of studying.

On the bright side, I'm going to Poland on Friday to go to my brothers high school graduation which is on Saturday. I come back on Monday, and we have one more exam on Tuesday (fashion exam).

On an even brighter side, Wednesday I'm going to a hair modeling of Fudge. A few of my friends have done it before, and you basically just go there, get your hair dyed and cut AND get paid! The haircut always look great, and suits the person. I have always had a hard time finding a refreshing haircut that works with my curly hair, so I'm very exited to see what the pro's have up their sleeve ;)
Sounds like the perfect treat for after exams!


  1. haha happens to me all the time where i find everything funny ! good luck with your exams ;D and be sure to post pics of your new hair cut ! xo

  2. Thank you :) And I will, I'm super exited !
