Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bring it on, Taurine and Caffeine, you ill mixture!

Monday I officially start my exams! I have 6 exams in total, spread out over 3 weeks time. Doesn't sound too bad you'd say, until you get started with it! A lot of the material has been covered in class, but some of it is also self study.
It has been a bit difficult to concentrate during Christmas break, with so many celebrations and moving back and forth between my parents house and my student house. But my dad helped me set up a study plan, which I am trying to keep myself to as precisely as possible! Today I plan on pulling an all-nighter, God how I missed those... I got myself some Red Bull to help me get through this long night of studying.

There has been a lot of discussion about energy drinks throughout the years of them becoming so popular. Energy drinks are even banned in certain countries, like Norway, Denmark, Uruguay and France!

There are not enough studies done to actually prove that the mixture of Taurine and Caffeine (which is found in Red Bull) can be deadly. Even though there has been a case where a basketball player consumed 4 Red Bulls before a game, eventually caused dehydration, collapsed on the court and later died. Yet, no definite link between them, although still alarming.

Wired and tired at the same time?!
I know vodka-Red Bull is the drink when clubbing. But mixing stimulants and depressants is not a good idea, that's why they recommend to not mix an energy drink with alcohol.

Yet, I won't mix my Red Bull with alcohol tonight. I'll mix it this time with my general didactics study material! It helps me concentrate, stay up, generally perform better, and it improves my short term memory. Cheersss, drink to that!
All other students who have exams, good luck :)


  1. Im a fan of ur blog!
    Wish u al the best with your exams!

  2. Thank you, and thank you, Joly! :D xxx
