Since I am soon turning 21, I am convinced that I am getting real old, so I decided it was time to write myself a bucket list.
1. Swim with dolphins. This has been a dream of mine since I was a little child, and I need to do it! They are my all time favorite animal.
2. Go to Japan. Either for vacation or even live there for a few years. The clothing, food, culture and nature speak to me so much. I wanne see and experience it!
3. Own a Harley Davidson. This is my latest obsession. Ahh, the leather outfit that goes with it, the muscular arms that tend to drive it, leather boots. I can´t wait to let my hair feel the breeze when on a Harley low rider. Any future boyfriend has more potential when driving this baby. Yet, letting me drive it...Major score.
4. Write for a fashion magazine. This would be the perfect mix of my interests and passions. Writing, fashion and beauty. This is my dream job. Just the image of me getting home from work, kicking off my Louboutins and opening up my super slick Mac and continuing my review on London Fashion Week. I cannot wait!
5. Las Vegas, Nevada. I.D me, betch. I have little time left for this one, but when 21 it is only appropriate to head to Vegas and spend a filthy amount of money in the casino. This is only so cool when 21. When I turn 22, the coolness of this idea will be dimmed.
6. Jump out of a cake. Any party planners that need a volunteer, call me. I will be there. I won´t even ask for a slice of the cake. I mean, you can´t have your cake and eat it too.
7. Frost myself. This term is totally taken from How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days. But the idea behind it is, to wear jewellery that could buy you a villa. Even just for an hour is enough. Don't need to own it, just swag around in it for a lil bit.
8. Become a Youtube make up guru sensation. I rarely watch cable tv, because all the so called shows I watch are on Youtube. Pretty much all beauty based. Michelle Phan, Promise Phan, Juicystar07, Chrisellim, Dulcecandy87, Davenmayeda, etc. Most of them took Youtube by storm, and became Youtube-famous over night. You don't need an acting education. You don't need to hand out your CV. No nerve wracking auditions. No getting denied. Anybody can do it. How 21st century it that?!
10. Carnival of Venice, Italy. The carnivals I have been to have been all about wearing wrong outfits, boozin´ till snoozin´, and making a mess of the city. The carnival of Venice is world famous for their class, their outrageously artsy masks and eye for detail. Being overwhelmed by richness, ashamed of your under-dressed smokey eyes. After having seen this madness, I will never dress up like Snow white again.
11. Attend a Victoria's Secret fashion show. I've always been fascinated by the lingerie that they manage to create. But also the models. They are plain flawless! I've only heard good things about their shows, so why not?!
12. Take a ride on the Coca Cola train. The commercials from Coca Cola around Christmas are so always so magical. Any child's dream! This may be one of the most famous trains out there, so I definitely want to ride it one day!
13. Pick up ballet again. I used to dance ballet when I was young, but I stopped. I would love to start doing ballet again, become as flexible as before and dance to classical music with a little tutu on.
I stopped at 13, my lucky number. That is it for now, but a bucket list is infinite, so I will be adding more as I go on with life! I hope this inspired you to write your own bucket list too! Dream big, and follow your dreams... they know the way.