A lot has changed this past month, so it is time for a well deserved update.
I have stopped my studies, and decided to go work. I honestly didn't enjoy going to school, and each day became a drag. I felt like an English man in New York going to school; my classmates looked at my from head to toe each day, had too many comments about the way I dress, and I just did not feel at ease in the place where I spent majority of my days. I am normally a very social, outgoing person, but going to school I was a quit, closed girl. I was the Polish girl, or the special girl, I don't mind those names, but the negative connotation I do mind. I was only going to school to prove to my family that I can, and that I can have a higher education diploma. I wasn't doing it for myself. I decided to put an end to it, and break the news to my parents. The worst part was about to start I thought. Hell was about to break lose.
I sat down in my room, knowing I should be in a classroom right now, and called my dad with fear and chills running down my body. Had trouble holding my phone. My dad being a man of principle and always aiming for high achievements for himself and his family, I thought the speakers of my phone would blow up once I had him on the phone. I told him to sit down, cause I had to tell him something. I explained him that I am not happy going to school, and that I have made the decision to stop. A pause... And then the angels ran their bells, as my dad told me he wants me to be happy, and if this is not what makes me happy, then I don't need to do it. He told me he doesn't want me doing it for him, or for mom, but for myself. He told me we should talk about it during the weekend and figure out a plan. We ended the conversation, and there was a sigh of relief. But now what? What are my plans?
Living by myself in Amsterdam, and now in Belgium, it is very hard for me to adapt again to the family life with my parents and siblings at home. I knew one thing for sure, I want independence. I am 20 years old, still very young, but I have always been independent, and I think of it as a quality, that has helped me a lot in the past. I had multiple options in my head about how to achieve independence, especially financial independence. For my whole life, my parents have payed for almost everything. Anything I could ask for, they would support me with it. Not that I would snap my fingers and get whatever I wanted, but they always made sure that I had all I needed and more. Taking financial independence from your parents is a big decision to take. After having talked through things, and really sat down to think about what I wanted, I decided I wanted to go work. Soon enough I made a CV, and spent my time handing them out around town. Many said, yes we will call you in a week, or yes come tomorrow for a try out. But no real results.
A few weeks ago, I decided to hand out some more CVs, in hopes to start of working in a clothing store. I want to continue my focus with fashion. I am certain, now, that I definitely want my future to be fashion. Entering the work world without a higher education diploma can be hard, especially if you want to make it one day. I walked into CoolCat, a funky store for teens and young adults. I knew a few people who have worked for CoolCat, and they could only praise CoolCat. They enjoyed the work, the atmosphere and the people. So I thought, why not. I talk to the lady in the store, and I hand her my CV. She tells me that they are currently not looking for someone, but she will keep my CV just in case.

A week passes again, and the same lady calls me up, telling me that they were looking for someone new after all to enrich their team. I am hired! Yes!
She hooks me up with the headquarters in Antwerp for another interview. I enter the headquarters in Antwerp, a beautiful building full with antiques and golden wall decorations. This made it seem only scarier. I sat at a giant table with a lady that was asking me questions in order to find out if I had the qualities for perhaps a leadership position in the company. CoolCat does training's for their employees in Holland in order to build up management skills, team building skills etc. This is a great opportunity, and adds great value to you as an employee.
I am so very happy to finally have found a job, and get started with my independent life. I still have to hear back about the interview in Antwerp, so we will have to wait and see about further options about leadership positions, and maybe a training in Holland.
Now my biggest worries are paying my bills. My parents decided that once I quit my studies, it is time for me to pay everything myself. More than right, if I want an independent life, then you gotta do it right. For now pops saved me, and payed my rent and internet, as I currently am a broke baby. But as soon as I get my paycheck I will be in charge for all of that.
This is a hard way to learn, but a good way. I am really starting to realize what money is, and what a powerful tool it is to have in your life. Money definitely doesn't buy you happiness, because I am very happy now, but it is frickin handy to have.
But I am winning the Lottery tomorrow, so all will be good in minutes! Cheers.