The garden of Eden was once so innocent and glorious. Happiness grew on trees, the smell of rose blossoms and fresh grass filled your nostrils. The sky didn´t have a single dust particle that could disturb your chances at seeing the flawless sunrise each morning. If it would rain, it were golden raindrops landing on the pure land. If there was wind, it was a sigh of naive, young love watching over us with a slight frown at the silliness. There was no storm. Unheard of.
As long as we did what we were told to do, we were in the haze of the garden of Eden. In my story, Eve didn´t get tempted, but Adam did. The tree of good and evil got touched as he took a bite out of a tempting red apple, unfortunately this apple was well diseased. He knew the day he would take a bite out of the forbidden fruit, he will die. Temptation lead his choices, as he ripped the apple off of the tree, behind Eva´s back. Warnings of evil and bad endings by voices did not stop him. He took a bite, enjoyed the juicy taste of secrecy, chew it well, and swallowed it all down with little care. He continued to live and love for days, weeks, months. The apple laid on his stomach like a brick. Yet, Adam´s reasoning was- as long as Eve doesn´t know, it won´t do any harm.
Time passes, and Eve woke up to thunder, for the first time. This was new to her, she didn´t know what it meant, what it was. Angels took her aside, and said, Eve wake up, Adam is lying to you. He touched the forbidden fruit, and didn´t tell you. Eve didn´t want to believe it, yet she had tears running down her face, to even have the slightest chance of this being true, there. She walked around the garden of Eden, looking for Adam. She stumbled upon the apple core that was left under the tree... Adam soon came and knew how to mislead naive Eve. He said that the apple was eaten by insects, not him. Eve took his contrasting hand, wiped her tears with it, and walked to see the sun set.
Eve let go of his hand, as her soul led her to Mokum Alef to find truth. Mokum gave her new insights and she grew mature. She didn´t need the luxury of the holy garden, she didn´t miss it either. She realized that the contrasting hand she was holding in the garden of Eden, was a lying hand. She never wanted to touch this lying hand again. The tears she once shed for that lying hand, turned into gold and brought her more happiness than ever.
She never returned to the garden of Eden. Mokum Alef, I love you for giving me truth.